
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Design Team Call for 2010 & National Scrapbook Day...

Hi all its Nikki! I'm blogging from the very Sunny State of Florida!! Dan and I are finally on a REAL vacation, not work then 1 day to play, NO this is real vacation.... like several day in a row!! I know you are thinking "if you're on vacation why on earth are you blogging?" that's a great question. Well besides the fact its May Day and National Scrapbook Day its also the first day of our awesome Design Team call for "Willie-Bee's Doghouse Diva's"!! I can't believe its been a year all ready! I've had the best year with my DT girls... they all rocked! I'm having trouble letting them go b/c they all will always be my "first" group of DT girls... and hopefully some of them will reapply and we'll have some old & new faces designing with "Nikki Sivils" papers and embellishments! Thank to all the girls that started with me, supported me, and had faith in my products, its b/c of you ALL that we've had such a FANTASTIC first year!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Well without further a do here we go again... (don't forget to check the bottom of this post for my National Scrapbook giveaway)

I’m looking for at least 20 talented lovely ladies or gentlemen. I will be looking to fill 8 Domestic (US) positions and 8 International positions. (Every 4 months the design team will be reevaluated) Previous publication and design team experience is not required; we’ll be looking at your style and compatibility with our products.
*Submissions will start now May 1st through May 31st. There are no restrictions regarding you serving other design teams, publications, kit clubs etc. The announcement will be made Monday June 7th.
1. Any size, one or two page layouts;
2. A card; and/or
3. A paper project.
Each month you will be asked to submit:
1. To submit a blog entry at the Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker website. There will be a schedule set up for the design team;
2. Leave comments and have active community participation on Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker gallery and blog;
3. Each design team member will be asked to post at least one full post a month on their own blog and have a link from their blog to;
4. Design team member will also need to be active on the gallery at, by uploading new layouts, cards, or projects monthly; and
5. You must agree that some of your Layouts, cards, projects etc will be sent to Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker for display at CHA and or photography. (It may take up to 6 months for them to be returned to you.)
Your designs are your property and you will receive credit for them; we retain all rights to use your design as well as your picture in any name we choose, and any submitted writings in any name we choose.
Willie-Bee’s designers will be compensated with a complete bio and picture on Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker website and blog; you will receive paper and products we will want you to use for samples on our website, blog and other social media’s with full credit to you.
To submit, email the following information to Please write your name and “Willie-Bee’s DT Call” in the subject line.
**Please note that at this time I request that ONLY Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker paper be used – you may use 20% other manufacturers product for alphabets, embellishments etc…
1. In a single paragraph tell us about yourself- send a recent photo of yourself and a link to your blog and any online galleries in which you participate (include your user name or screen name).
2. Please only send 3 attachments in total, of the following:
*A single or double page layout about yourself;
*A card or paper project;
*Along with any layout that shows your true style that you love and want us to see.
3. Include your name and contact information, including phone number.
We can’t wait to see your submissions!! -Nikki, Susan & Hilde

Now for the really fun stuff...  ****EDIT***** drawing our winner now! :):):):):):):):):):):)
I've decided that for this fun "National Scrapbook Day" that I'd offer each of my Design Team girls to host a giveaway if they wanted to... of which most of them are participating in! So go check out their blogs, leave a comment and one lucky lady from each DT girls blog (that are participating) will get a complete line of "Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker" paper collection of your choice! I'll be doing the same thing here on my blog too... except I'm going to giveaway 2 complete collections (including stamps and embellishments) to one lucky winner!! Leave me a comment along with 2 of your favorite "Nikki Sivils" collections and I'll randomly draw a name Sunday morning. Don't forget to visit each DT Diva's blog for more chances to win!!
Have a wonderful day! Good luck to all of you and I'm off to the beach!! -Nikki


  1. HAPPY NSD and HAPPY VACATION Nikki!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):) This has been quite an amazing and exciting year working with U and the rest of the DT!!! :):):):):):):):) Sooooooooooo excited about the call! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I would have to say my favorites are Will He Be the 1 and U R My Favorite. It's all so cute! Happy NSD!

  3. I'm not sure I can just choose 2 of my favorites but I adore Will He Be Mine and Dan the Man - Happy NSD!

  4. Wohoo a DT call!!! I'm sure gonna send you my application!!! (how this year has flown!).
    Only two favorite lines, that's difficult as I love them all, but I guess "My Sweet Cherry Pie" and "Henry's Brilliance" are my most favorite. For now have a great holiday and of course Happy NSD!!! (off to create a page about myself...!)

  5. Happy NSD everyone!! I love the Willow Bee and My Sweet Cheery Pie lines. Nice fun bright colors.

  6. Happy NSD! My 2 fav collections are Willow Bee and My Sweet Cherry Pie :) Thanks for the chance to win and enjoy the rest of your vacation :)

  7. I would say my favorite collections are Henry's Brilliance, and Ellie's Day out. Enjoy your vacation! Happy NSD!

  8. Hope you're having a wonderful vacation so far :)

    Can't believe it's time for another DT call! Good luck everyone :)

    Had to go back and really look at the collections - so hard to pick (Can I say ALL?! LOL!). I like the popular "My Sweet Cherry Pie" and "Will He Be The 1."

    It was so much FUN working with "Henry's Brilliance" that I didn't want to give it away! LOL!

    Happy National Scrapbook Day! xo

  9. Happy National Scrapbooking Day - my two favorite collections are Ellie's Day Out and My Sweet Cherry Pie!

  10. I love My Sweet Cherry Pie and Victoria Street the best of them all!! =)

  11. Flaming Butterfly and Will he b the 1 are my favorites! I just love your work!

  12. Happy NSD, Nikki!!
    Thanks so much for the change to win some of your gorgeous papers!!!
    It's so hard to pick only two....but I think my favorites are Will He Be the 1 and Ellies Day Out!


  13. Happy NSD. Love Will He be the One and UR My Favorite.

  14. Happy Scrapbook Day! I am blogging by with the Bo Bunny blog hop! Beautiful site!My name is Kim Wolff.

  15. Happy NSD! I love "Willow Bee" and "Henry's Brilliance"! Hard to pick just two, though.

  16. Happy NSD!!! I would have to say that Dan the Record Man and Willow Bee are my favorites.
    I really want to apply for DT but my LSS doesn't carry your products :( This makes me sooooo sad. I guess that means you have to pick me since I really need your products ; )
    Thanks for the chance!

  17. my faves are sweet cherry pie and henry's brilliance.. omg.. love your papers!!!!

  18. Very cool!! My two favs would have to be "Will He Be The 1" and "Willow Bee". Thanks for the chance to win!!
    - April W

  19. Love these papers and kits of yours. First time I've seen them--and very impressed. I loving the Flaming Butterfly and Dan the Record Man!

  20. Happy NSD. Would love to win some of your things.

  21. Happy NSD and Happy Vacation!! What an awesome giveaway. My two fav lines would be Willow Bee and Sweet Cherry Pie.

  22. Happy NSD Nikki! Hope you have a fun a relaxing time at the beach! I'm super excited about your DT call and I also am in love with your Willow Bee and Flaming Butterfly collections!

  23. Happy NSD. My faves would have to b Will He Be Mine and My Sweet Cherry Pie.

  24. enjoy your vacation nikki! what a sweet picture of you and your husband!! my favorite of your lines would be: "flaming butterfly" and "will he be the 1?"
    thank you!
    marie sierra

  25. Wow!! That is sooo exciting! Getting started on my projects today!

  26. I hope you are enjoying our beautiful Florida weather on your vacation.
    If I were to pick two I guess it would be Ellie's day out and Will he be the one. Henry's brillance is right up there because I love that one to showcase my kiddies school stuff.
    I hope you get some wonderful gals for the next DT like you already had. smiles...Tammy

  27. Have a great vacation! My 2 favorites Ellie's Day out and Will He Be the 1.

  28. I'm glad you got a REAL vacation...I'm looking forward to ours in three weeks!!! WOO HOO!!! I LOVE Flaming Butterfly and Dan the Record Man!

  29. Have a wonderful vacation!
    My two favorites are:
    Bella Blue and Oscar Too
    Will He B the 1

  30. Happy NSD :)

    Flaming Butterfly and My Sweet Cherry Pie are my favourites!

  31. happy nsd and thanks for the chance to win some of your lovely papers... my favorites are Will He Be the 1 and Ellies Day Out!

  32. Love Willow Bee and My Sweet Cherry Pie! Thanks for the chance!

  33. I like Victoria's Street and My Sweet Cherry Pie

  34. Happy NSD! One of my favorite lines of yours is My sweet Cherry pie.

    Have a great one!

  35. My favourites are Willow Bee and Flaming Butterfly. I'd love to do some flower layouts with these great papers.

  36. I love Bella Blue and Oscar Too and Victoria's Street.

  37. I like willow bee and u r my favorites.

  38. Happy National Scrapbooking Day! Hope you have a great vacation! I esp. love your My Sweet Cherry Pie and your Bella Blue and Oscar Too lines. They are so cute and cheerful! Thanks for doing the giveaways! That was very generous of you!

  39. Happy NSD and happy vacation to you. I love, love, love Willow Bee and Bella Blue and Oscar Too...such super cute lines!

  40. Happy NSD, Nikki!! It's hard to choose just 2 favorites, but I'd have to say Bella Blue & Oscar too & Flaming Butterfly are two of my faves!! Enjoy your vacation!!

  41. My Sweet Cherry Pie is my favorite. All the rest tie for 2nd, but since you asked for two: Willow Bee!

  42. A good vacation is the perfect Rx for the soul. Enjoy it.

    I'm pretty new to your products, but after perusing the collections, my top 2 are Will He B the 1 and My Sweet Cherry Pie.

  43. Bella Blue and Oscar Too and My Sweet Cherry Pie are my favorites.

  44. Happy nsd!! its so hard to pick favorites....

    but i love will he b the 1 and willow bee the mostest!!

  45. Happy NSD! My two favourites would be Willow Bee and Flaming Butterfly, they are just gorgeous!

  46. yay, happy NSD!! my two faves are "we he b the 1" and "U R my Favorite"

  47. enjoy Nikki

    Flaming Butterfly and Dan the Record Man are to die for. I'd love a chance at either. Matter of fact I think it is time to visit my local scrapbook store to check out a little Nikki Sivils paper.

  48. I love all the lines, but I'd have to say your original two - the houses and the cherries.

  49. hard to pick just two...narrowed it down to Will He B the 1 and Willow Bee

  50. i love, love, love Victoria's Street and Willow Bee!

  51. Happy NSD Nikki, I think your paper lines are so cute. My Sweet Cherry Pie and Flaming Butterfly lines are just to cute

  52. What great products you have so it is hard to pick 2 but I will say North Pole Nights and Bella Blue & Oscar Too are two of my favorites. Keep all the WONDERFUL products coming. Can't wait for the next new lines.

  53. Happy NSD Nikki! Your paper lines are all adorable. I really like My Sweet Cherry Pie and Flaming Butterfly. Adorable

  54. I love them all, but my 2 faves are My Sweet Cherry Pie and Willow Bee.

    jlh774 at gmail dot com

  55. happy vacation nikki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. Happy NSD!

    My favs are Bella Blue and Oscar Too and Boo-tiful!

  57. I would love some Nikki Sivils scrapbook goodness! My fave 2 lines are My Sweet Cherry Pie and Victoria Street. Happy NSD!

  58. My current faves: My Sweet Cherry Pie and Flaming Butterfly

  59. Have a wonderful and safe vacation! Very generous giveaway. I have never even heard of your paper, so this would be a wonderful; way for me to get my feet wet :)My 2 favs are:Flaming butterfly and Bella blue and Oscar too. Thanks for the Opportunity.

  60. Happy NSD to you! What an amazing give away! As for 2 of my favorite collections, they would have to be Flaming Butterfly and U R My Favorite. thanks for this opportunity to win some of your wonderful products!

  61. I like "My Sweet Cherry Pie" and "Willow Bee". Thank you for the chance to win, Nikki!

  62. So hard to choose a favorite! I'll go with Flaming Butterfly and Will He Be the 1.
    I know you'll have tons of interest in your DT. Good luck on your search! NSD is a fitting day to announce the call.

  63. How fun?!! My two favs are "Will He Be The 1" and "Willow Bee". Thanks for the chance!

  64. I love North Pole Nights and Willow Bee!

    Happy NSD!

  65. Hope I am not too late!! My internet has been down all Saturday ....My two favourites are "North Pole Nights" and "Will He be the 1".

  66. It is so strange, I was not familiar with your line until today, and two people have spoke of it. I have to get "Dan The Record Man" products. My husband is a record collector and I want to redecorate his room. THESE are the colors I had picked out. It is meant to "bee" for me. Thanks.

  67. Vacation time is prescious ENJOY!

    Sorry! I can't choose two.... I love em all :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!


  68. I've sent in my application. Fingers crossed.
