
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hi! Laura here again this month with some exciting projects to show you that use the Bella Blue and Oscar Too collection from Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker.

I am a dog owner and I guess you could say I'm a "dog person" which still surprises me whenever I think about it because I never had dogs while I was growing up. In fact I didn't own my first dog until 1997. She was a yellow lab and we named her Mandy and we loved her. But sadly she got sick and we had to put her down back in 2007. We still miss her to this day. So when a friend of mine said she was breeding Saint Bernards and would we like one we hesitated. Saint Bernards? Have you seen those dogs? They're gigantic and slobbery and messy right? That's what we always thought from seeing movies like Beethoven and Beethoven's 2nd...I think they're up to Beethoven's 53rd by now :-)

But we thought it would be fun to see the puppies and they were adorable!!! And we knew we were hooked and that we'd take one home. And we haven't regretted it one bit!

So when Nikki came out with this amazing collection to use for your furry friends I knew I had a "willing" subject.

Look at that face when we first brought him home. Doesn't he just make your heart melt!! When we first brought him home we could pick him up and he laid in our laps. Now two years and over 160 lbs later we can't pick him up but he still thinks he's a lap dog lol!

This next layout I did was inspired by a website I found called Upside Down Dog. It's this hilarious blog where people send in their pictures they've taken of their dogs lying or sleeping upside down. So when we saw Wesley sleeping upside down I ran for the camera and of course had the perfect title!

I love the elements from the Bella Cutie Cut Ups. Such perfect accents to add to your page. I also covered a page from the house chipboard album to use as an accent for the title.

If you ever get over whelmed with having to make mini albums don't hesitate to create a one of a kind embellishment for your layouts or use a page for a stand alone altered project like I did on this project

I also used the amazing cardstock stickers to create the perfect border along the bottom side of the project.

Thanks for stopping by! Now get scrapping!
Laura Achilles
Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker Design Team member


  1. Ohhhhhhhh Laura!! These are sooooooooooo GORGEOUS!!! your doggy is just soooooooooooooo ADORABLE!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Fabulous layouts and card - your dog is just adorable!

  3. I was that big cuddly dog! Your layouts are just so cute.

  4. What a sweet and funny dog you have!! Love your layouts, they are perfect for your photos!!

  5. Gorgeous papers on the 'upside down dog' layout - a gorgeous dog too!
