
Monday, March 22, 2010

Extending the "Local" DT Call for another week...

(The last day to submit is March 29th at midnight central time.)

We are so excited to announce that Nikki is going to have her very first LOCAL Design Team, aptly named the: Townhouse Divas!! We are looking for 5 talented people to join the team. This team will be made up of talented scrapbookers in Springfield, MO and surrounding areas within a 40 mile radius. Could you be one?!! We want to keep this team close to Nikki’s home base and we can have some “local” fun that way also!

This team’s main job will be slightly different, but not any less exciting or fun, than the Doghouse Divas Design Team. Most of the requirements will be around the CHA trade show (show is in January and July every year) and getting the new products sampled quickly. Another requirement will be making class samples, attending local crops and giving away prizes, etc. How fun does that sound?! Plus you will get to interact with the Doghouse Divas and join in on all their fun too! We may have to see just who can have the rowdiest house!

Alright on to the technical part of applying for this call:
This call starts immediately and will end at Midnight on March 29, 2010 and will be announced on March 31th, 2010. This is a year term starting April 1, 2010 and lasting until March 31, 2011.

To submit, email the following information to Please write “Willie-B’s Townhouse DT Call” in the subject line.

1. In a single paragraph tell us about your scrapbooking style and a little bit about you too!
Please include the following: a list of publications, design teams you are on or have been on and some examples of your work. Don't worry. We are looking for talent and for people we feel fit in with Nikki's products. You do not need to be published or on a design team.
2. Please send a recent photo of you and a link to your blog and any online galleries in which you participate (include your user name or screen name). If you do not have a blog, would you be willing to start one?
3. Please only send 3 attachments in total, of the following:
*A single or double page layout about yourself;
*A card or paper project; and
*And any layout that shows your true scrapbooking style that you love and want us to see.
4. Send us a link to one of your online galleries or from your blog of a mini album that you have made. (It can be about anything.)
5. Include your name (first and last), contact information (including telephone number & address) and email address.
Here is a link to Nikki's website. Please look around Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker We would LOVE to see you use Nikki’s products for the call, but if you are not able to get them we understand since Nikki is still new to the industry.
We can’t wait to see your submissions!
Nikki Sivils
Susan Dupre-DT Leader – Domestic
Hilde Janbroers-DT Leader-International
Katrina Hunt-DT Leader-Local

Have a Scrappy Kinda Day!!~~Katrina


  1. can't wait to see who makes this team!!! YAY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Oh this is so cool!! Wish I lived closer so I could apply ( I am about 300 miles from ya)...Good luck to all the talented local gals that will be applying!

  3. I sent in back on January 16th... just wished i lived closer so i could apply for this... keep me in mind still though! :)

  4. Darnit...Kansas City is a wee bit outside of 40 miles. What if I set up shop inside Lambert's? I could live there, I am sure...mmmmm...okra...throwed rolls...mmmmm

  5. Ooooh your picking the team on my birthday! You have to pick someone named Kendra, in my honor. ;)That also means your b-day is just around the corner. I'll be older than you for just a few days! I'm sure you'll be glad to let me have that title for those days. LOL Good luck to all the locals, hope some from the "Lake" get picked!
