
Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh how fun it was!

I was so honored to get to attend CHA with Nikki again in January. She and her whole crew as just fabulous people. I could not ask for a more fun group to hang out with for a whole week!

I wanted to share with you some of my CHA projects. Here is my "Blue Bonnets" and my "Head in the Clouds" lo that using Nikki's Willow Bee line.

Here are a couple more using Flaming Butterfly.

And, then finally one using Dan the Record Man.

As you already know Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Nikki has the cutest Valentine's line U R My Favorite. What I love about this line and well, any of her lines really is that you can use them for anything. Even her Christmas line North Pole Nights was not the "typical" Christmas colors making them fun for other times of the year. The colors in her U R My Favorite line to me just screams little girl or young teen. To show you don't have to use it for just the holiday, I made this heart mobile. I could so see this hanging in a young girl's bedroom! Unfortunately this is one of those projects that it looks so much better in real life than in a photo. I just could "not" get a good shot, but hopefully you get the idea behind it. The colors with the brown, pink and orange are so wonderful for a little girl's room. Here is my mobile (with the not so good photo!).

And then just a lo of my goofy ol' hubby wearing "my" reading glasses. They have little cherries on them.

Thanks for looking! Stay tuned. Next month our newest additions to the team will be showing their work on the blog too! I can't wait! We have added some "awesome" talent including an equally "awesome" card team. Nikki carries the perfect items for making cards! Did you know she has 6 x 6 paper pads and stamps? Well, she does! So, if card making is your thing, I am sure you are going to love what our card team girls produce. I know I will. I've already seen what kind of work they do. We are lucky to have these girls. For a full view of Nikki's 6 x 6 paper pads and stamps you can check them out here.

Until then - Happy Scrapping!

Susan Dupre


  1. wowwwwwwwwwwww...these are all gorgeous susan!! love them! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Great work Susan! Makes me wanna get my papers already:)

  3. love all your creations here susan!!!

  4. Great pages Susan! They are all so happy and fun with those bright papers :D

  5. Love them all. Fabulous creations.

  6. A lot great work Susan!! I love the frog page! Too cute!!

  7. Susan, these are gorgeous!
    I love the Blue Bonnets one!

  8. Fabulous projects!! I just LOVE" how you used the "Dan the record man" line!!!

  9. Susan, I love all your projects. Your hubby is a hoot for sure!
