
Sunday, February 28, 2010

The little things...

Good morning everyone, Claude here with you on this wonderful Sunday! Have you been following the Olympics? They are *huge* in our house, we watch every single event we can manage. I am Canadian, so I am quite proud of my country right now. I love how the Olympics bring the world together. Go world!

Now, on to some Nikki Sivils stuff. As I've said before, I love to scrap the little things. In the following layouts, I scrapped 2 things my kids have said that I don't want to forget.

First off, here's Kira in a layout using the Willow Bee collection. You'll also notice some of the new cardstock stickers found in the Pockets of Stickers and the awesome burlap buttons.

Sean is the star of the next one. I used the gorgeous Flaming Butterfly collection. Trust me, you'll want to get your hands on this one! The colours are truly amazing!

Don't forget to join Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker, Jillibean Soup and Bella Blvd on March 5th for an amazing blog crawl!!

See you next month!



  1. Fabulous layouts!! Love what you did with the Willow Bee collection! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Claude!! These are just STUNNING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. so so cute!!!! Love the gas station story!!!

  4. These are so cute Claude and the story is too!

  5. Wow!! Fabulous all of it!! I loved!! Hugs!!

  6. Love these! LOL at the gas station story :).

  7. The title on that first layout has to be the CUTEST!!!

  8. Such cute layouts. And your kids are too cute themselves!

  9. These are FANTASTIC!! Love the gas station story, that's what this craft is all about!! Thanks for a great blog entry!!

  10. claude, your journaling makes your layout super precious!!!! love that story - - just wait till your kids read that 10 years from now. ;o)
