
Monday, February 22, 2010

Here it is the big announcement I've been giving teasers about this weekend! Stephanie from Bella Blvd, Jill from Jillibean Soup, I (Nikki) have all come together for one huge Blog Crawl! What is a Blog Crawl you might be asking... Well, on March 5th you'll come to my blog and you'll see a gift that Jillibean Soup is giving away on my blog, along with a handmade gift from me and a list of my design team girls that will be giving handmade gifts away using our products, you'll leave a comment at each blog & then move on through the list. Then you'll head over to Bella Blvd and see the gift that I (Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker) will be giving away over there, along with a list of Bella Blvd's design team ladies and you'll do the same thing. Next you'll head over to Jillibean Soup and see the gift that Bella Blvd is giving away, along with all of Jillibean Soups DT gals, leave a comment then go to the next. There are over 50 handmade gifts and product giveaways!! Don't panic b/c you'll have the entire weekend of March 5th to visit all the blogs and leave a comment for a gift... it's an entire weekend of blogging and giveaways! We'll announce all the winners Monday morning!! Doesn't that sound like fun!!

Us 3 ladies have become good friends and thought this would be an awesome way to bring 3 great manufacturers together for one fun event! We are all so excited!!
Talk to you soon! -Nikki


  1. Wooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooo!!! I can't wait!!! This is GONNA ROCK! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. This sounds like so much fun!!! I wouldn't want to miss it :D

  3. This sounds like a lot of fun - and quite the challenge!! I'm doing an 11 hr crop that Saturday so I'll have to get my super-duper bloghop jumping shoes on! Can't wait. Putting it on my calendar now.

  4. This sounds like so much fun!!!!

  5. Sounds fun!!! Can we assume Canadians qualify to play along? If so, I'll tell all my friends :)

  6. Allison- Yes, everyone everywhere can win a giveaway. (Some of the DT girls will list where they are willing to ship too.) But us manufactures will ship anywhere!

  7. wooot!!!! so exciting!!!! can't wait!!

  8. This sounds like a weekend of poor hunney, I hope he has to work that Cant Wait!

  9. sounds like a ton of fun!! :) can't wait.


  10. wow, what a great idea nikki!
    can't wait to see what you girls come up with!

  11. i just found your henry's brilliance collection at my lss this weekend and LOVE it! so original and fun :) i purchased the entire line, including the chipboard album that i've already started on. can't wait to see what comes next!!

  12. I think it's wonderful that you're working together to put on this event...and what an event it will be!! Looking forward to it!!

  13. I know where I'll be on the 5th of March!!! :):)

  14. O' I cant wait! Sounds like a ton of fun!!!!!!

  15. You girls came up with a great idea. I am happy to be part of the blog crawl. :-) I am sure it will be lots of fun.

  16. so wonderful.. t his is in my calendar rightnow.. woohoo!
