
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Time to celebrate!

Hello everyone!

My name is Claude and I'll be hosting the blog on the 5th of each month. I can't wait to share my "Nikki" work with you, as I like to call it! You'll come to see that I am one of the "simple scrappers" in the bunch. As a simple scrapper, I love Nikki's papers because they speak on their own. They are so beautiful and colorful that not much else is needed to make something special. Case in point:

As you can see, this card is made of paper exclusively, no embellishment whatsoever. All that was needed were a few punches and some pop-dots!

Here is the layout I made for the DT challenge back in November. This is my take on "A holiday memory". No picture needed, just beautiful papers and lots of words. This layout is 8x8.

I also made this layout about my dad, who I lost 3 years ago, using the mini-paddies of all 6 collections. I had this vision in my mind, I really like how it turned out! A little ink brings it all together.

And my ever-trusty butterfly punch makes another appearance here. I love how we can use tiny scraps to embellish a page!

Thanks for checking us out at Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker, join us again tomorrow for some great work by Deana Boston!


  1. Oh... I so love that layout about your dad!! So Sweet!! Thanks for a great post!! (Love that card too!)

  2. Adorable projects, Claude! I ♥ all of them. I'd hardly call you a "simple scrapper" though! It all looks very ELEGANT & INSPIRING to me!


  3. Bravo Claude! Tes projets sont manifiques et la page sur ton papa m'a mis la larme a l'oeil... tres touchante. Great style!

  4. ABSOLUTELY gorgeous claude!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that lo u made about your dad! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Great job Claude :) ! these are Lovely !
