
Friday, December 18, 2009

HI there it's me, Nikki!

I hope you have been enjoying all my Design Team's layouts and projects they've been posting on my blog!! They are all so talented, and I'm in awe of them every time I see something new they've created! Thanks ladies!

I've had some fun things going on the last couple of weeks, I've been sending out RAK's (random acts of kindness) and I can't tell you how much fun that's been!! I asked my DT girls to help with this, I wanted some suggestions, and Julie one of my Diva DT gals suggested Lydia Siegel, so off I was sending Lydia a package. Then about a week later I received the sweetest email and these pictures...
(I have no idea why the top have is underlined???) Sorry about that!

This is Lydia's daughter, Samantha, who is only 4 and she made her very first layout using some of my products! Well I had to show off Samantha and her layout, of course!!! Is she not the cutest thing ever!!! Thanks Samantha and keep up the good work!!

Lydia made this layout, which is so sweet and creative!

Well, besides handing out some RAK's I've been decorating, baking, shopping, wrapping gifts and you know all the things that go along with the holidays! I wanted to share a picture of my favorite Christmas decorations in my house, my Nutcrackers! I buy myself a new one every year and I love trying to find the perfect one for me! This year I bought an Elf Nutcracker, since I designed an elf on my Christmas paper line, North Pole Nights. (No pics of him yet, but I'll get one up soon, because he's a real cutie-pie!) Here are just a few of my guys...

I've also been doing some crafting, not as much as I'd like of course. I usually make many of my Christmas gifts, but now that I'm running a business that requires most of my time I just don't get to play as much. But.... I did make this Christmas banner from my North Pole Nights chipboard album, Willie- Bee's Font stamps, my Craft Flag and some of my papers, along with Jillibean Soup Sprouts, Jenni Bowlin Bingo Cards and Tickets, K and Co stickers, May Arts ribbon, Melissa Frances Snaps, and some Little Yellow Bicycle journaling tags.

I did get one day in of shopping with my sister in-laws and my mom. We all had a great time, ate at a local Tea House, toured a home all decorated for Christmas and shopped our little hearts out! I'm so thankful my two brothers married women I would've picked for them!! (Now if I can just get my younger brother married to a woman as sweet as these girls, then my job is done!)
My mom, Trish, Tessa, Tanya, and me.

Well, beside the usual Holiday business, I'm also working like crazy to get ready for CHA! (the CHA craze has started) I have created some awesome make-n-take's for the show. Dan is working on being the most efficient we can possible be for taking orders. Lanie is getting media and designer packs together and trying to keep Dan and I organized (which itself is a full time job)! I can't believe CHA is just a little over a month away!!

I've also been invited by the ladies of Scrapbook Generation (my local scrapbook store, who was also my first sale) to show off two of my new paper collections on January 9th! I'm so excited, they are calling it "Nikki Sivils" day, and all my products will by 20% off that day only. Also besides myself, 2 of my good friends are going to be teaching "mini classes" using my newest paper lines and products, and the best part they are free! Allison Davis has put together some great 2 page layouts that they'll be selling too (and we all know Allison is the Queen of 2 page layouts!) So you can check out all the details here: Scrapbook Generation!! If you are in the area come visit me and my good friends at Scrapbook Generation, there will also be a huge CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!
One last thing... I'm looking for 2 more girls to add to my DESIGN TEAM. So check back later for the details on that.
Happy Holidays to you and your families!! -Nikki


  1. She did an awesome layout to be four! You can tell she is going to be one creative individual!

  2. Your banner is really cute!!! Still wish I had the time to make one... but time is running out! I know your RAKs are really touching their recipients. Thank you for your generosity!

  3. I know that little girl! :):)! She has been on a scrapping roll here lately. Im also honor that you show my layout as well as Samantha's. We both thank you and THANKS so much again for the RAK!

    Tons of hugs.

    Adorable Nutcrakers!

  4. omygosh!!!! i am soooooooooooooo BEYOND HAPPY that Lydia emailed U with what she made!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Samantha's lo too!!!!! Soooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!! I love love love love the photos and the nutcrackers...and the store event sounds like a BLAST! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. What a lovely layout! I'm so excited that u all will be celebrating Christmas feeling the holiday spirit already!

  6. Yay for Lydia & her adorable daughter. Such cute projects they've made with that line!

    Your decor is adorable, Nikki, especially that cute banner you made!

