
Saturday, November 21, 2009

And the winner is.... Paula Hanna!!

The challenge was to "Create a layout about a holiday memory from your childhood" using the papers from my North Pole Night's collection. I had sooooo many wonderful layouts submitted and it was a tough decision, but Paula's layout really caught my eye. I love the way she we wrote her journaling on the ledger paper, stitched down the scalloped ribbon, and decorated the tree with glitter and rhinestones!! The candy cane chipboard letters brought it all together. (Paula, who are the chipboard letters made by?) Congrats Paula!! Thanks for sharing this very sweet layout about you and your brother getting matching tricycles for Christmas!! Paula's blog: pollywogpearls

I also asked a few of my design team girls to take part in this challenge, which is also my "All About Me" monthly challenge, where we all make a single layout about ourselves, so we can leave behind the memories of our lives. {Next month we'll be using my "LOVE" paper line "U R My Favorite" for the December challenge.} So if you want to join in on the fun and create a layout about either your first love... be it a cat, dog, bird or of the human kind, or how you met your spouse, boy/girlfriend, life partner etc. then I'd love to see what you create too. More details will come later. (There will be a prize offered again.)
Here is what my Doghouse Diva's came up with for this AAM Challenge....
Created by Julie Tucker-Wolek:

Created by Claude Campeau: (I love that this 8x8 page is just about Claude's memories and she doesn't need a picture to tell her story.)

Created by Deana Boston: (I love that elf hanging from string! Adorable!!)

Created by Mieke Nagtegaal:

Created by Me, Nikki Sivils!

I created this layout about my Nan (grandma) and I getting "Teddy Bears" for Christmas one year from my Poppa (grandfather). When my grandma was young all she wanted for Christmas was a teddy bear, but during the Depression all her parents could afford was fruit for the stockings. Through the years she secretly always wanted a Teddy Bear, when my poppa found out he bought both of us Teddy Bears that Christmas! I got one Teddy Bear and a sweet little framed picture of a teddy bear and my grandma received two huge Teddy Bears!! She cried and held on to that bear, I'll never forget how that touched my heart! Of all the things she has received through the years this was by far her best Christmas ever, and I'm so glad that I got to be a part of it! This is what scrapbooking is all about... sharing, telling and passing our stories down to the next generation! Happy Scrappin'! -Nikki


  1. Adorable LO's everyone!

    CONGRATULATIONS to Paula! :-)

  2. Your layout is so great Nikki, I had jeans, white socks and shoes just like you! Lol!
    So good to think about those days when we were so young (and cute!)

  3. CONGRATS Paula!!!!!! And love love love love love what the DT created....and Nikki....the teddy bears for your grandma is just the sweetest story! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Congrats Paula!!! That is a great looking page! And the DT ladies totally rocked this challenge too!
    But, even though I would love to take credit for it the no-photo layout is not by me :(

  5. Well I've done it again!! Sorry Nathalie, haven't I done that twice with your name!! Okay... well I'll see who really made it and get that changed!! LOL... tis the season!!

  6. I so love these and a very big congrats to Paula for such a great LO!
