Friday, July 17, 2009 is now LIVE!!!

My website went live today!! Woo Hoo!! Please go check it out...
Let me know what you think!! Oh and the gallery should be up and going very soon!!
Have a great Friday!! -Nikki


Jenn K said...

I think it looks great!! Love the fresh look of it! Looking forward to the gallery!!

Igagnon76 said...

it looks fantastic!!! great job, it was well worth the wait, now i can't wait to see that gallery!

JJ Sobey said...

a lot of the links are broken - they all take you to the home page instead of the product.

Nathalie said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats Nikki!!!

Alecia Wolfford said...

WOW Nikki, it's FABULOUS!! Really looking good girl!!

Nikki said...

Everything should be fixed now! If not please email me!! Thanks, Nikki

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...


Christie said...

It looks great Nikki! All your hard work definitely shows!

On my way... said...

Whoo hoo!!! Congrats again Nikki!! Looks awesome!


sarah said...

wahoooooooooooo!!!! can't wait for the gallery.

everything looks great!


Anonymous said...

Nikki, everything looks great. I love your products and can't wait to hear how CHA goes!

Jenna Ruth said...

The website looks awesome!

The Graphic Bee said...

Well it almost killed us but I think it turned out just how we wanted!!

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