
Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 2 done and one to go...

This is me waving goodbye to Tennessee, our first over night stay.  We drove from Missouri to Tennessee on day one.   Tonight we are in Georgia and will drive into Orlando tomorrow afternoon.  Okay, so I thought three days on the road and I would be able to "organize" my Mac, maybe work on some ideas for next springs paper lines, polish my nails, catch up on my back issues of my scrapbook magazines, and start my new book "The Kite Runner", well we weren't on the road for 20 minutes and I started getting sick to my stomach!! What the heck... I've never been car sick ever!!  So Dan let me drive for awhile to see if that would help, and it did.... however, Dan then started to get an upset belly!  What was going on??? He has never been car sick in his life either!!  Then we finally figured it out, the trailer we are pulling for the trade show is wobbly and it's making the car bounce just enough that our equilibrium is off!! We are getting more use to it, but I can only do things for very short periods of time.  Now Dan and I are doing a coin toss to see who gets to drive, because that's the only time we aren't sick!!   Have a goodnight  -Nikki 


  1. LOL!!! Sorry if you didn't mean to be funny but I can't help it! I just hope you are taking photos and journaling your road trip! I can totally see a page with this blog entry! :D
    And I can't wait to read about day 3! teehee! :P

  2. OMYGOSH!!! I am sooooooooooooooooo EXCITED FOR U!!!!!! HOW AWESOME!!! (well, not the sick part...LOL!!) I just am sooooooooooooooo WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW EXCITED for U!!!!!!!!!! And I should have a few friends stopping by your booth to meet U!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) Have a SAFE TRIP! :):):):):):):):)

  3. First of all, amazing sb collections. Im loving everyone of them! Second, I hope you all dont get too sick while on the road. Be safe on the rest of your trip to Fl. and have FUN!!!

  4. Oh oh..... that's not good. Take care, I hope your tummies will adjust soon to the wobling.
    Enjoy your stay, I know you will be a hit on the CHA!

  5. Ok, this is soo funny!! Not really, I feel sorry for you...but it is know my sense of humor!!!

  6. OMG, i hate being sick in car ... have a safe trip Niiki and Dan !!

  7. i hope you both get feeling better soon. i hate that queasy feeling. I just wanted to let you know that I told my LSS owner that I'd love to have her check out your products at CHA.. I think others would love to see your papers on the shelf.. have a fun time.. =)

  8. So sorry about the road sickness...but I'm sure it will be worth it when you take CHA by storm! Hope you're having a great time!

  9. oh my goodness Nikki! How terrible to get sick! I am so excited for you thought to get to cha! Keep us updated!!!

  10. When u come back...please scrap the journey! This is soooo excited too...

  11. Good Luck!!! Have fun!!! I wish you a safe trip!!I hope you get used to the car by the time your headed back!


  12. So sorry about the car sickness. What a bummer! Hopefully the rest of the ride will be a bit smoother.

  13. Yikes...hope you are feeling better!

  14. I like to sleep the same way Nikki! What a sport you are Dan!
