
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here it is my first paper line. "My Sweet Cherry Pie"

(Double click to see larger image)

Here it is!!!!! I hope you like the line! Let me know what you think!
I left out one double sided paper from the line because it is unique and I want it to be top secret for a few more weeks!! Once my website is completed I will add this line and others to it. I have created a total of 6 paper lines, each having 4 double-sided and 1 scalloped paper.
We had a great time at the printers in Utah.... it was an 18 hour day and I got to see all of my papers printed! I'll post pictures of that trip later b/c I now have to finish writing my design team call!!!!!! I'll post it tomorrow, Sunday May the 24th!!
Thanks for all your comments. -Nikki


  1. I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE your paper line! It's so cute!
    I love love love the cherries! I can't wait to buy the line and see your others!
    Too cute!!!!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is soooooooooooooooooooooo EXCITING!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT to see the SITE and YOUR photos from your trip....and sooooooooooooooooo can't wait for your DT call!!!! The PAPERS are GORGEOUS!!!!!!! This is soooooooooooooooooo YAY!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)):):):):)

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhh and I forgot to mention...that if U want...on SIS...there is a section on the MB where U can list DT calls! Might help U out! :):):):):):):):):)

  4. YAY - you are sharing your paper here! I bet that was so much fun to see it all being printed! What a fun trip. I can't wait to see pics of it!ho

  5. WOW! Those papers are amazing.Good Luck at CHA,how exciting!

  6. That paper is awesome! How exciting for you! :)

  7. Yum! So far your designs are wonderful and fun.

  8. What a gorgeous range of papers - so cute - I want them now.....

  9. What a fun collection! I love the papers! Can't wait to see the other stuff too!

  10. Your papers are BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations - how exciting for you!!!

  11. What awesome designs! I'm already designing layouts with them in my head! ;)

  12. I agree great stuff! Excited to hear you are looking for a DT. Definitely going to throw my hat in!

  13. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOUR FIRST LINE!!! IT is amazing!! Good luck at CHA!!!

  14. This is deeelicious!!!! OMG, can't wait till this becomes available!

  15. Ladies, THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!! It means the world to me that you all love these papers as much as I do!!! -Nikki

  16. It is so wonderful to see how much people are responding to the line. We worked hard on this and I know it will pay off!

  17. Love your papers! Since you've been so supportive of our store, we'll definitely reciprocate! Be sure and let us know all the ordering info so we can share your designs with all our customers. e

  18. Please bring it all by the store, and I can't wait to hear the story behind this excitement!

  19. How cute are these papers!!!! Congrats to you!!!

  20. Oh, my word!!! Love the designs, but those colors are screaming at me!! Can't wait to see the rest of what you have in store!!

  21. WOW! I am salivating with possibilities!

  22. I love, love, love your first paper line! It has such a homey feel to it. I'm sure it will do well and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  23. WOWZA!!!! This paper line is GORGEOUS!!!! I lOVE all of it!!! :]

  24. That paper is amazing! Love the designs and color combos!! Congrats!!

  25. These papers are so yummy! I love the little cherry tree and the cute horse shoes on the cherry paper. Simply adorable.

  26. This is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!! I can't wait to see more!

  27. I love these papers and I have the perfect cherry picking photos to go with them.

  28. WOW! I can't wait until these papers are released! These are FUN-Diddly-UN!! I can't wait to see the rest of your release!

  29. Hi Nikki! I'm Vicki's friend and for some reason just got to your blog. I've been riding your production process vicariously through bits and pieces with Vicki and am amazed at all the hard work you and hubby have accomplished. This must be an incredibly exciting time for you - Congrats!! Can't wait to see the whole end result! There may still be some hope that I can attend CHA and see it "live".

  30. These look great! I'm a retailer, how would I go about getting information on carrying some new lines?

  31. Ooooh! BEEEAAAUUUtifulll!
    Can't wait to work with them. Congrats on your new line!

  32. Your paper range looks fab!!!

  33. The papers look fab! Looking forward to seeing more! Only heard about you today ... excellent! Missed your DT call ... hey ho!

  34. Very nice paper line! Just as I like it.

  35. Awesome. I can't wait to see your 'top secret' papers. I'm loving what I'm seeing so far :)
