
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5 lbs of Pet Therapy of the 4th of July!

This is my little Yorkie, Bella Blue, and she is a Pet Therapy dog for Hulston Cancer Center. We go together once a month every month and they love her and she loves them... there are a couple of nurses and doctors that take pictures of her every time we come in to visit. They even have her name marked on their monthly calender that hangs in the lobby and elevator. Have a great day -Nikki


  1. Thats so sweet that Bella is a therapy dog! I remember you saying you did that but had forgotten until I read your post! Cute pictures of Bella! I hope you are doing well - I have been busy busy busy - I am taking Candice Stringham's new portrait class and it has kept me busy reading all the posts in the forum and looking at everyones pictures in the gallery! Its a lot of fun!
    Talk to you later!

  2. what a sweet little doggie. that is such a good cause. love the layout..=)

  3. Yprkies are my favorite! She is stinkin' adorable! God Bless you for commiting to her and her care!
