Thursday, April 7, 2011

National No Housework Day Blog Hop! :)

Happy Thursday!

Welcome to the National No Housework Day Online Blog hop! If you have arrived not knowing until now about the hop, no problem...just go back to
where this hop starts and work your way through.

You should have arrived here from Doreen

I am offering a prize for anyone (international girls are welcome to join in!) that leaves me a comment about your LEAST FAVE CHORE and is a follower of my blog! I am giving away my Beatrice Collection!  I will start it off, my LEAST FAVE CHORE is laundry! I really hate doing the laundry! All the folding and hanging, ugh! Just annoys me! :)  They need to have disposable clothes for people like me! lol! :)

And here is some inspiration from two of our fans that used "Beatrice" on their projects! Love these! :)

First we have a layout from Cherie Nymeyer! :)

And next, we have a card from Stacy Rodriguez! :)

I will announce the winner of this giveaway after the hop ends! :)

Thanks for visiting me today, now its time to head over to see Marci!

*this hop is now closed... thanks to everyone that left a comment!* :)


StacyC said...

By far, cleaning the bathroom - any part of it!!! I'm with Serena, I'd do tons of laundry before the bathroom. I LOVE to vacuum :)

Mish086 said...

My least favorite is putting the laundry away! I don't mind doing it, it's when I have to organize the drawers just to put a hard-full of clothes away!!!!!GRRR!

Mish086 said...

Oh, and I am already a follower!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

This is my kind of hop! My least favorite chore is mopping! Already a follower, abusybee24atcoxdotnet

Monique Liedtke said...

Love this line!!! and what a lovely layout from Cherie!
My least fav chore is cleaning windows!
Have a great day!

Groovy Deborah said...

Seriously Nikki! Laundry seems to run out of me ears even though I wash every day! Teens and young kids both can make a momy work too hard! Glad to be taking off today and looking around. Your fans did amazing projects but it is so hard to not create something beautiful with your lines!

Ok my least fave thing to do is cleaning toilets...I can think of so many other things to do with my time like scrapbooking right?!?!

Thanks for playing with us!

From The Owls' Nest said...

really really hate dusting...I sure wish they would invent an easier way. Love the projects with that oh so cute line. thanks!!

From The Owls' Nest said...

oh, and I follow!!

Angie said...

Oh my...least favorite chore has got to be the dishes. YUCK! They never end, and add baby bottles on top of the fun! When I don't have to do chores it's nice to catch up with my scrap supplies!

Nicole Doiron said...

My least fave chore is definitely doing the floors! :( Bathtub is a very close second!

Unknown said...

Well, my least fav chore is ironing. I really hate that.
The projects are just wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration and this great blog hop.

Unknown said...

oh and I am a follower now, too.

craftymom205 said...

My least favorite chore is folding clothes and putting them away. I will clean a toilet anyday but don't want to put away laundry. I am a follower.

craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

Jodi said...

I looove Beatrice!!! Fun giveaway!!

I don't mind the bathroom because it only takes a few minutes, and I actually like laundry! But I really don't have patience for grocery shopping!!! I'm not sure what's worse...doing a big trip and only going every couple weeks, or making it short and less painful but going more frequently... I'll come do your laundry if you take my grocery list!! :)

Jocelyn said...

Oh I just detest cleaning the bathroom!!! I just hate it!!!! But I am stuck with it!!!!I too would do a ton of laundry and be very happy rather than clean a bathroom!!! I love to vacuum!!!

Emily said...

My least favorite thing is folding and putting away the laundry - I will gladly wash it, I just don't want to FOLD IT !!

Ashly Margritz said...

I really hate matching the socks . . . dont know why but I HATE it. I would get so pissy doing it that my dear hubby decided to take it over :) Im spoiled I know.

Lindy said...

I'm with Serena and StacyC!!! Give me TONS of laundry anyday over cleaning the bathroom!!!

Penny Peck said...

My least favorite chore is doing dishes - I love to eat a home-cooked meal but I'd rather be making cards than cleaning up!

Jenneke said...

By far, my least favorite chore of all is cleaning the bathroom!!
And I see I'm not the only one, lol!

LOVE your give-away!


Oh, and of course I'm your follower!

Debbie said...

It looks like cleaning the bathroom is quite popular! I have to agree on this one, especially my son's bathroom! Why can't men be neater?

Unknown said...

I have been a follower for awhile now, so glad you joined us with IIG & Friends on the hop! I love all your collections, so pretty!

I like you get tired of the laundry and am always telling my hubby that they need to make disposable clothes so I had to LOL at your comment about that!
Happy Hopping!

Aimee Kidd said...

Can't believe I'm the first one to say least fav chore is doing the dishes!!

Heather Doolittle said...

I HATE cleaning the bathrooms. They're so yucky. I am a follower already! :)

Kelly Massman said...

Darling projects! I hate cleaning the bathroom!

ShoppingTamii said...

I hate mopping!!!!!! to be honest, I usually just leave it till my DH can't stand it and does it for me ;) ha!

Court said...

My least favorite chore is cleaning the toilet! I HATE IT!!! I have NO idea why they call it the throne! ;)

Thank you so much for the great giveaway! I made a card for the hop, but it is over on Artful Delight's page. :)

Have a beautiful day!

comopark1886 said...

I guess my least favorite chore is dusting. (It makes me sneeze.) It just seems so boaring, dusting the same stuff week after week.

Marcia Sc said...

dusting is the worst - too many things to move. Bring on laundry any day!

Scrapenabler said...

I am a follower and my least fave chore is putting the laundry away.

María Castillo said...

I´m already a follower and my least favorite chore is cleaning the toilet! GRRR!!! Thanks for the chance and cheers from Costa Rica!! Thanks for include international followers in your giveaways!!

Sarah said...

DUSTING!!! Ugh! I hate having to move everything!

Tona said...

I'm already a follower. My least favorite chore would be scrubbing the bathrooms. Laundry I don't mind at all...

LesleyfromWI said...

I hate, hate, hate cleaning the shower. I would rather clean toilets then the shower but unfortunately they both need to be done :0) Already a follower

Marci said...

I'm following!

And I think my least favorite chore is showers/tubs. They seem to get dirtier the more I look at them, even while cleaning!


Lillian Child said...

My least favorite chore is definitely cleaning the blinds. I must admit that once I cheated and just bought new ones because the chore was just too daunting of a task. I am already a follower of your delightful blog.

Donmarie said...

I detest cleaning the bathroom....hate it. Love to iron though...go figure :)

DebC said...

I hate all housework but my least favorite is cleaning the toilet!! If you have a man in the house this chore can be even more of a "worst chore" ever!!! What is so hard about hitting a LARGE circle full of water? Really I think they all should be trained to sit down when they are babies! That would have solved alot of this problem!
Thanks for the chance to win!!

Cindy deRosier said...

I'd gladly trade laundry duty for just about anything! It doesn't bother me a bit. My absolute least favorite chore is cleaning grout. If I ever buy a new house or redo my kitchen/baths, I will NEVER put grout anywhere.

Tracey said...

I like a No Housework Day!! Although I cannot complain because I have an awesome hubby who does a lot of the cleaning!! I'm a big fan of Cherie's work and it is great to see it here!!

Karenladd said...

Awesome name for the Hop! Not a fan of housework AT ALL! That said though, my favorite chore is actually your least favorite..laundry! I like that it feels like I actually got something done. My least favorite chores are things like dusting and vacuuming because it never seems to make much of a difference. I turn around and it's dirty again!

EverydayMe said...

picking up my husband coffee cups and ice cream bowls... I'd rather make beds.... I'm a follower... have a super-fantastic-wonderful no housework day!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle

Sandi said...

I love doing laundry but I HATE srubbing our large shower! I love checking out your blog and never cease to be inspired. Thanks for the chance to win another fabulous collection.

Anonymous said...

Least favorite is toilets. By far the worst.

Kaitlin said...

My least favorite chore is doing the dishes!! And I just became a follower:)


Debbie Garcia said...

Ahhh that bneaver just to cute
Housework boo. I vote scrap all day.

Becky said...

love your lines!!! one of the things i hate the most is cleaning up after the it has to be done!

Mary said...

My least favorite chore is scrubbing floors, I'll do your laundry if you do my floors! LOL
I just became a follower.

Lisa P said...

For sure it's cleaning the bathroom!! Yuck!

Suzy said...

Yah! Putting my feet up and blog hopping today. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win :)

T said...

The floors. 'cuz to clean them you first have to pick everything up.

Monique Ouellette, Alberta Canada said...

I REALLY hate cleaning the toilet. It makes me gag everytime!

Kristy said...

I hate to mop. Right after the floor dries(if I'm lucky) someone comes in with muddy feet, or spills Koolaid ect.

Kristy said...

I am a follower

Lucila Ortega said...

Yo soy de Colombia y mi nombre es lucila ortega, en mi pais no celebramos esta dia, yo quiero ganar mi primer premio de scrap, la activida que mas odio es cocinar y como no hablo ingles disculpen la traduccion

Nicole said...

Uhh! My least favorite is the bathroom. So many germs! I love in the spring, summer, and fall to hang my clothes on the clothesline. Love the smell!

Anonymous said...

Im a new follower! your work is adorable!
I hate to sweep!

Anonymous said...

New follower, I do not think I can choose ONE chore! I hate them all :( When you have 7 kids...chores are never ending! You clean the bathroom, make it shine, 10 min later it looks like the 6yo just emptied all the BRAND NEW toothpaste and Shampoo, conditioner and handsoap down the drain, with his 4 yo sister guilty by association...and it looks like that, because THEY DID JUST REALLY DO THAT!!
There you have it, a peek into why I loathe house cleaning!

KarenB said...

I'm already a follower Nikki, and I love would love that collection, so fingers crossed xx
My least favourite chore is ironing - yuk. I avoid it and have gradually whittled away at our wardrobe itmes to ensure there's as little as possible that needs ironing ;)

♥Silvana♥ said...

Least fav chore to do is definally dusting ={ no matter how many times you do it is always back the next day ahggg...
I'm your follower already and thanks for the inspiration that colleccion sure looks cuteeeeee =)

Sue said...

The cards are so pretty !!! My least fave chore is folding laundry!!!

PixiesDelight said...

least fave chore, laundry

Jean-Marie said...

yes!! Laundry should be banished from all our lives---WAY too much to manage!

Doreen Vasquez said...

I am already a follower!!! I hate laundry too...but just putting it away. I don't mind washing or folding! Sometimes my clean folded laundry will stay on my dresser for weeks at a time!!!!

Heather said...

I was already a follower of your blog!!! Love the Beatrice Collection!

I must admit that I like to do laundry! But before you say "You WHAT?", let me explain! My scrap room doubles as my laundry room! Therefore, if I am doing laundry, good chance I am scrapping!!!

Least fave chore . . . cleaning the bathtubs and showers! No, no, no, no, no, do NOT like it!

Donna said...

My least favorite chore is dusting. I love your blog and am now a follower. Keep up the great craftiness. Donna Woods Fiskateer 6036

Just call me Vic said...

My least favorite chore is dishes! Thank you for sharing!!

Viji Siddharth said...

My least fav chore is dishes!!!! Hate it:) I am a follower now!! Would love love love to win!!! I have451 pics to scrap!! I would love to win some paper!! Cute cute cute pics and layout!!!

Marianne B in AZ said...

The laundry rates right up there, but for me it is cooking. Good thing my hubby is not too picky!

Love your paper and the recent interview you did with Groovy Deb.

kellyisascrapdiva said...

My least favorite chore is vacuuming! Thanks for the chance. Love those projects!

Marcy S. said...

Those are so cute. I would have to say laundry is my least fave also but dishes are a close second, even though I have a dishwasher, go figure. Thanks you so much for the chance to win some great blog candy. I am a new follower.

Marcy S.
m dot serrano at live dot com

Ann said...

I adore Cherie's layout!
I do not enjoy vacuuming.
I love this collection - thank you for another great giveaway!
And I follow via Google Reader.

mommyof5kidz said...

Laundry. Definitely Laundry. Especaially since my 14 year old son put it into perspective for me...
He says...
"Mom. do you realize that with our family, you wash 49 pairs of jeans, 49 shirts and 49 pairs of underwear a week, 98 socks...and who knows HOW many towels...EVERY WEEK???"

HOLY COW. Talk about a wake up call!!! NO WONDER IT PILES UP ON ME ALL THE TIME! LOL

jen t. said...

my least fav. chore is folding clean laundry and putting it away and dusting too! :) i am a follwers! tfac!!! jen t.

Regina said...

My least favorite chore is thinking of something to have for dinner. I don't mind cooking , just hate to think of something to make. Always ask my hubby what he is hungry for and then I can cook it.

Regina said...

I am also a follower.

Juliana T said...

I became a new follower and my least favortie chore is cleaning the bathroom.

Unknown said...

YEAH so excited to see you on this hop! I'm such a HUGE fan and I'm already a follower. I was just gushing about your papers on another blog! LOL. Thanks for a chance to win. I seriously love your lines! ;-)
stampinlara at yahoo dot com

Crafty Diva said...

My least fave chore is cleaning the bathroom! I am totally avoiding it this weekend, but Monday is looming! I'm a new follower!

chignon said...

Oh man, my list of least favorites is loonnggg! lol so the one I don't do very often, is scrubbing the kitchen floor, blech. I am now a follower, love the creativity on the blog! TFS

Scrap It Girl, Kimberly said...

Love your blog.. I am a new follower from the hop. I don't like to fold and put away the laundry.. I let it pile up in my room instead.. lol

Darlene S. said...

I soooooo hate taking the trash out. It fills up in a day, and there are only 3 people in my household! LOL. It's very annoying.. so I just wait patiently until the dear husband takes it out. Then I throw in casually, "Oh, honey, don't forget to take out the cat litter while your running out the trash too." LOL!!!

Darlene S. said...

Thanks for the chance at winning your awesome candy!

I've been a follower and I have one of your blog buttons on my blog posted on my sidebar too! Nikki rocks! :))

Jana said...

I love these adorable projects!!!! I have to say I would love to skip ironing!

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