Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm still here...

Okay so my goal is to blog 3 days week... well I realize now that's not gonna happen. I always have such great intentions but it seems that something will pop up and what should have taken under an hour will take 4! Its crazy!!  
We have some really exciting things going on around here and I can't wait to share some of them with you... but first things first...
My Nico is doing great!! He got his stitches out last Wednesday and everyday gets a little bit better for him but harder for us. The better he feels the harder it is to keep him down! 
These first 2 pics were taken with my iPhone so quality isn't great. 
Such a sweet boy sleeping right next to me.
He's been stuck to us like glue... however he doesn't really have a choice
since he still can't be off a leash and has another 9 days of being towel walked.
Love this pic of him on our bed right up against me and my lap-desk!
He's ears tell it all, slightly down and off to the side means he's totally relaxed, straight up and forward means I hear you and am on to you and one ear up and the other ear bent and turning toward his side means that feels good and keep it up!  
I can't wait for his fur to grow back, you can see on his front right leg the square patched they shaved for his IV.
Nico in puppy prison. So sad for him.
Thanks for sending all your good thoughts and best wishes for him! 
He is doing great!

Now for the super exciting NEWS... Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker is one of the sponsors picked to sponsor the Provo Craft  Circut Circle design team! Also my design team diva's and I will be doing a cross promotional program with them too! 
I'm so excited... I mean really who doesn't love a good die-cutting system and awesome icons and images that comes with all their cartridges!!  

its like Christmas morning...
can you believe all the fun to be had with all these yummy products!!
Soooo... what's the fun of having all these goodies and not sharing a few with my followers... right!?!
This is what I'm going to give away on my blog:
The Cuttlebug embossing and die cutting machine, 1 Textile embossing folder, 1 Measure by Measure embossing borders, 1 Fanciful Labels embossing plus (cuts & embosses), 1 Quilled Chrysanthemum Kit (to create beautiful floral accents) and 1 extra long Spacer & 2 extra long cutting pads for the Cuttlebug!
You'll need paper for your Cuttlebug, right...
so you'll also get my brand new "It's Your Day" paper line! 

If you'll leave a comment on this blog post telling me what you'll create with my papers and the Cuttlebug goodies and also become a follower of this blog, then I'll pick one lucky person to win ALL of this!! 
I'll pick a winner midnight Thursday night (central standard time) and announce them on Friday morning! 
If you register for my Newsletter (at the top of my blog on the left hand side) I'll be giving away a Circut Expression and a couple of cartridges! (But this will only be for those that are on my newsletter mailing list.) The Newsletter will be going out in the next 10 days! 
Good Luck!!
Have a wonderful day! -Nikki

*This giveaway is now closed! Thanks for entering!* :)


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Carrie said...

WOW!! such exciting news!!
your dog is so darn cute... i love shepards... grew up with them all thru....
good luck to all and thanks for a chance to win BIG!! lol

Liz said...

I am a new follower, and have also signed up for your nrewsletter. If I win this wonderful prize, I'd be making alot of those fancy embossed labels, and doing altered items. I love making cards too, and this package would be just the thing for that. It's great for everything ! Thanks for sharing these goodies, and I'm glad your dog child is doing well, I have an old kitty who needs surgery.

Liza said...

Wow! That's a ton of yummy stuff! The things you can do with those cartridges and dies! If I get lucky, I'll definitely be creating a mini album of my last birthday. I have tons of photos that day and it really matches your beautiful papers! :D

Jana said...

WOW, what a giveaway!!!! I would definetly enjoy in some altered projects and it would be the best using them in some new and fresh ideas for easter! Thanks for the chance!

csparky61 said...

With a late May wedding for my son, and the fact we are doing everything ourselves, means that everything in this goodie bag would be put to GREAT use! Thanks for offering such a great prize.

Bonnie said...

So Glad to hear Nico is feeling better. Sick Babies and sick pets are the worst....they depend on us for everything. That is quite the prize/gift. I have been wanting an embossing "machine" for a long time. How awesome would that be to have delivered to my address!! thanks so much for the chance to win it!!

Bonnie said...

I forgot to tell you what I would make with that fantastic paper....CARDS of course (that's what I do most) and hopefully a layout or two. I have been wanting to make some home decor...wall hangings and such so I would probably try a couple of home decor things for my daughters new place that she will be moving into when her current lease is up in May.

Chriss America Real said...

This is a fantastic giveaway! I don't own an embosser, have been dreaming of owing one for years. I would use it to make cards and embellishments, oh I wish I would win! Thanks!

Janet said...

I am so glad Nico is doing well! I would use the yummy goodies to create cards and layouts! Thank you for the chance to win!

Suzy said...

Holy cow Nikki! What an awesome cross promotion. I can't wait! :) Thanks for the chance to win some PROVO CRAFT and NIKKI SIVILS! :)

Born2Beach said...

Wow! It does look like Christmas! How wonderful. I would love to use the cuttlebug for embossing and your beautiful paper for cards. Thanks for the opportunity.


artfuldelight said...

Glad to hear that your pup is doing well! Congrats on sponsoring the Provo Craft Cricut Circle design team!! WOW, what a fabulous giveaway, I have wanted a Cuttlebug for awhile now and just haven't made the purchase, what a treat this would be to win, thank you so much for the chance!!

Holly said...

I have a Cricut and use it ALL the time. I love it!! Needless to say, I was wishing I was you when I saw that picture :) I make banners, cards, home decor things, party favors and layouts. I would continue to make all those things. I do not have a Cuttlebug and it would be awesome to add it my tools. Thanks for the chance!

Joanna said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! I had a baby girl seven weeks ago so most definitely these goodies would go towards scrapping the mountain of photos of her that we already have :)

Teresa Jaye said...

Great news about Nico, soon he'll be running around like nothing ever happened!
What an awesome giveaway! I have lots of mini-albums and greeting cards to make and these products are all perfect for that!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Lisa J. said...

How exciting for you to get those packages of yumminess. I would love to use those goodies to make cards to bless some friends and family.

Bonnie said...

I commented and it said it posted but I don't see it there so I'm doing it again. First, glad to hear the pup is feeling (or starting to) better. Second, I will do cards, that's what I do most but I am also going to try my hand at some home deco items with that awesome paper. Third, I have been wanting to get an embossing machine for a long time. What an awesome package and what a thrill it would be to have this delivered to my address. Thank you for the chance.

Nicole said...

Holy guacamole! Those are awesome packages you received! I have been thinking about getting an embossing machine. I've seen some neat things made with them. And one from Cricut? Awesome!

Melissa Simpson said...

Wow that looks like a whole year of fun... I would love to scrap with any or all of it, I have so many pictures that would go with your beautiful paper and I am sure me and my daughter would get get use out of a cuttlebug..

Jamie Lane Designs said...

Glad Nico is on the mend!

This is such an amazing giveaway! I would LOVE to receive your new line so I could create a mini album! I just think this line would be adorable in a mini!

Thanks for the chance :)
Jamie (jamielanedesigns@gmail.com)

Maggi said...

I'm already a follower! :D

I've never had a chance to play with a Cuttlebug yet, I would definitely use this and your awesome papers to get caught up on my 2 year old's layouts. I'm due to have another daughter in 2 months and am desperate to get caught up before she arrives! LOL

Terrie said...

This stuff is so awesome! I create a lot of gifts and could use these goodies for them. I make wedding albums, baby books and Christmas albums too as gifts for family and friends. Winning all of this would give me more options when making my gifts. WOW!!!!!

Claudia said...

OMG! I would love to win all those goodies! I would make birthday mini books, birthday layouts, etc... It's so much fun to play wiht new goodies!

Kay said...

I can't imagine all of this coming to my house. If I were to win this great give away I would be able to continue to make cards, birthday invites and birthday decorations for my whole family. I would also donate supplies to my grandsons school so the teachers could share with all of the students.

Anonymous said...

Just found your great blog, I love IT!!!! Great ideas, and wonderful designs...will be back to check out all the goodies.

Kasia Krzymińska said...

Omg! What a great stuff here! I would make a lot of layouts!! Hugs. :*

hla2425 said...

I am happy Nico is starting to feel better! Thanks for the great giveaway!

I would use your It's Your Day paper pack for my son's pages!

Thanks again!

JeanneK said...

It is more than Christmas, It is my whole years worth of presents. What would I create lots of die cuts for my layouts. I only have 3 cartridges with the original Cricuit.
Glad to see Nico doing so well.

Jenn K said...

So happy to hear sweet Nico is feeling better. WOW! What a grand prize!! I bet I could come up with all sorts of different projects with these great tools!!

Jennifer E. said...

WOW! What a wonderful give away! Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win! How exciting! For me, I have a baby due in the next few months and I have a stack of ultrasound pictures to get in a scrapbook...not to mention all the pictures I'll have of my new bundle of joy as soon as he/she gets here! I'd love to play with all of these products when putting the scrapbook together. Good Luck everyone!

Tenny Kusuma said...

Oh my....great goodies. Well..I'd create some birthday cards and some scrapbook LOs using the goodies. Thanks for the chance to win these. Crossing all my fingers now. :D

Angi Barrs said...

I'm having crafty dreams of creating with the Cuttlebug. Wonderful giveaway. I'd definately make some cards and altered items with it.
So great to hear about your fur baby Nico! :)

Unknown said...

Wow... that is a fantastic Christmas!!! With the cuttlebug, I would create so many cards to send to friends and family as we travel around - We miss them and its great to stay in touch

ARShetzer said...

Wow - Even better than Christmas - With the cuttlebug, I'd create lots of cards to share with my friends and family that we miss as we travel around North America. - Thanks for the wonderful giveaway

Michelle said...

I would create a mini album of my daughters first birthday! Thanks for the chance to win!

Joanne said...

Just found your blog today and quickly added you as a favorite. What a great giveaway, the best I have ever seen. I would love to own a cricit the possibilities are endless.

Mary O'C said...

Wow! What a wonderful giveaway. Congrats on your collaboration with Provo Craft. I would make mini albums with the giveaway items. I'm very much into mini albums and know I could make tons with all the goodies. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Holy....awesome prize...I can only dream about all the cool stuff I can make with it!! PS- I'm a follower :)

Tammy said...

Oh my word...you are so fortunate to have been chosen. What a wonderful bunch of stuff they sent you. I did your make and take when you were at CHA through Charity Wings...It's on my blog. Thank you for the chance of winning some excellent stuff. I will use it to create something wonderful with your papers..Thanks smiles...always, Tammy

Unknown said...

Wow what a great giveaway!
I can think about sow much things i can do with it! With the papers i can make a beautiful birthday lay out and birthday cards.

And that cuttlebug. You can do so much with it. Embossing clear sheets cardstock etc.


Manhattan Mandie said...

Wooo HooOOO!! What an incredible giveaway! I'm in the Circle and can't wait to see what the DT creates with your amazing papers!!!

Ladybug photography. said...

I will be able to create birthday invites for my daughters partys christmas cards & just create lots of things with my girls.

Marjolijn van Elsberg said...

Is your room big enough for all this stuff, otherwise I still have a place you know!! I can handle that cutllebug and it wil get a warm home. .hihi I hope you make a lot of beautiful stuf for us.

Greetings from Holland,

Unknown said...

Wow what an amazing pile of goodies!!! Who would say no to something like that?!

The paper and die cutting system will be used for all those pictures I'm going to make on my sons fourth birthday party next week. And then of course the pictures of his first school days. Something he is looking forward to since he is 3 :P... They would look great with those lovely papers of It's your day!

Thanks for the chance!

Becki said...

I have a bunch of bdays coming up for my nieces...this would be great to add that little extra to the cards!

Kristi said...

What a great give a way..and a cute puppy!

I would like to work on my daughters scrapbook.

Bieke said...

What an awesome giveaway!
I will use the cuttlebug for making cards and the kids wiil create wunderfull stories with it.

Becki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wendy High said...

WOW! WHat an awesome giveaway! I would use the system to make cards and to do a mini album of the shuttle launch from last week. Thanks for the chance! Glad Nico is doing better!

Unknown said...

such fun! i would make tons and tons of fun cards!

Nubia said...

So I just finally invested in a Cricut around Cristmas time and I have not stopped using it since! I am a circle member, so I'm excited to here about your collaboration with Provocraft. That's awesome.

As for this stash they sent you...ll I can say is that I'm super jealous. Sooooo many goodies.

What would I make? Lately, I've really gotten into cards, but I love a good mini-album!

CherylB said...

Holy cow, what an awesome giveaway! If i win I will create a scrapbookl of some of ny daughters birthdays. Thanks for the awesome giveaeay.

mygsale said...

I recently found you on Facebook and just started to follow your blog. If I were to win,I'd create MANY wonderful scrapbook pages for my new baby girl. I have not started yet and some new goodies to work with would be just the motivation I need.

Lucy K said...

Wow! What am amazing giveaway! I would so love this -- I have been borrowing a friend's Cricut machine for months since I don't have my own -- I even own my own cartridges - just not the machine hah! There are so many amazing cute things to make -- I would make a ton of cards - especially with that cute paper that goes with it. Thanks so much!

mygsale said...

I just recently found you on Facebook and started following your blog today. I cannot wait to see more of you awesome art work. If I were to win this giveaway I would use the goodies to create MANY wonderful scrapbook pages for my baby girl. I have not started on her album yet, but a bunch of new product to work with would be just the motivation I need.

Michelle said...

Lucky you on the cartridges I would love some to add to my collection

BTW I love your boy, I have a girl named Lulu she is a sweetie!! They are the best dogs!

Crystal said...

OMG...I would catch up on my adopted son's Birthmom's scrapbook....ooohhh so much I could do to make her scrapbook special....I so want to win this...{fingers and toes crossed}

Michelle said...

You are so lucky!!! I would love some to add to my collection and do lots of gifts for everyone!

I love your baby boy, UI have a girl who looks just like him, her name is LuLu and she is a sweetie, love love love shephards AND CRICUT!!

Lori Estelle said...

OMG I got the chills just looking at the pictures of all those cartridges! I would not even know where to start! AND the most exciting thing is that I THINK that you are saying that Beatrice Beaver may be on a future cartridge! EEEK I cant stand it! anyway hope it is on an Imagine one! Ok what would I do-I would make some great cards! Yep that is what I would do!

Doris Lee said...

I have always wanted a cuttlebug to do cards with. There is always someone to share a card with. Someone who is sick, hurting, down in the dumps, mourning or just needs a bit of sunshine in their day. This would make it so much simpler. Your dog is so beautiful! I had german shepherds when I was growing up. They are so intelligent but yet such lovable babies! Praying for continued healing for him.

Et said...

I would scrapbook pictures from my husbands birthday party. it was almost a year ago and they are overdue.

Penny Peck said...

I make cards with my 4 grandkids - we owuld have a blast with these supplies!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my god it's all what I want to make a wedding mini album for my nephew.
Thanks for the chance to win these wonderfull things


michib said...

Awesome giveaway!!!
These goodies (especially the "it's your day" line) would be perfect for a birthday card and altered item for my 10yr neice's birthday. I'm sure I would find many other uses as well.

~ Creating a Crafty Life ~ said...

Wow, I can only imagine your excitement when you opened up all those goodies!!! I would make an album for my 9th wedding anniversary and give it to my hubby :) Thanks for being so generous!!!

Naomi said...

Who wouldn't love to win all that loot! So, I would definitely scrapbook my daughter's birthdays with the paper line and cuttlebug machine (she's turning three this month and I haven't done any birthday pages for her yet.)

Sheryce Campbell said...

Hi Nikki- I'm not sure how I came across your website. I do alot of web searching so it must have been that way. I am in ahhh at all your fun projects and your line. Can't wait to be ordering some of your paper! I would not kno what to do with a cuddle bug. Wow the ideas just roll thru my head! Thanks for the awesome give away!

Donna Welch said...

I am so glad to hear that Nico is feeling better. You would have thought I had a big dog sitting at my computer with all the drooling going on in here. Then I read where you are sharing your goodies with one lucky winner. My lower lip is literally still hanging in amazement. I bet it did feel like Christmas morning all over again for you. I can use it for scrapbooking, card making and the best of all, I want to take some of the paper to put in picture frames to use on my scrapbook room walls. I enjoy reading your page and sharing it with others. You truly are a Rock Princess. Thank you for giving us all a chance to win.

Lilith Eeckels said...

Oh look at all those goodies. If I got them I would make some cute cards.

Leanne said...

wow what a great giveaway...ilove the cuttlebug but the paper is awesome...i can so see me using it to scrap my Lolly's 12th birthday party from last weekend...it would be perfect!!

juli (sweetpz) said...

Oh my!!! i'm drooling over all your goodies =D Thanks for the chance to win!!!!! I'd love a cuttlebug, the first thing i'll be making is some bridal shower invites for my sisters upcoming wedding!

Stacie said...

OH WOW!!! Can you say YUM-O!!! Anyway-I would use the Cuttlebug and the paper for upcoming Birthday cards for my nephew, sister in law, and niece. Got birthdays from now until June only to start back up again in August.

Betty said...

Congratulations on getting picked as a Cricut Circle DT sponsor!

There is so much I would make but first would be some cards for Operation Write Home :)

Stacy said...

I am a new follower. I love your papers! I would finish my boys birthday layouts!!

Dee said...

Now that was one awesome package to receive. So nice of you to share. These goodies would be awesome for cardmaking. I'm sure I'd sneak in a little scrapping with them too.

Deborah said...

Wow, I sure hope I'm lucky! My little girl's birthday is coming up and it'd be great to create some layouts with all that stuff!!

Archibald said...

That is awesome. My son just turned two and would be darling with that paper. Love it.

Lynnda said...

Oh Wow...what a fantastic giveaway... hmmm..I already have a cuttlebug... but who knows if my lucky star shine!!...and if so ... I will definitely donate hehehhe..Love the paper pad...
It's also wonderful to hear that your Nico is doing well!...Good Luck everyone...!!...hugs..xoxo

bhelenj said...

I know what I would do with it. I would use it for cards and my card classes. That would be so much fun.

Natalie said...

Love, love your stuff and I love Provocraft, so what exciting news!! I would love to use these items to complete my yearly album for this year. The colors are perfect, and I need a Cuttlebug!!! Thanks for offering the goodies to your fans!

Nana Nassar said...

GOSH....is it FA LA LA time already...is it my birthday and I don't know?! i WOULD CREATE MY vacation memory album of this year...the blessed surgery i had i would come up with an LO...for sure!!! Course I follow u already!!! Wish i were u when u received this goodiesssss....kkkk

Nana Nassar said...

Dear...forgot to mention...I've signed up to your newsletter...course right?! God keep blessing you and your creation! You make us happy and He is happy back!

Liana said...

WOW! How awesome for you, and how awesome for two of the winners you are sharing with!! I am a cardmaker recently turned scrapbooker, and I have a lot to catch up with! My triplets are turning nine and my baby is turning 5 this year, so I am way, way behind. LOL I would use either of these in my scrapbooking adventures with the scraps going into my cards. I've been wishing for a Cricut and a Cuttlebug for a long time! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

Ann said...

Thanks for sharing such an amazing prize. I think I'd make a paper bag mini album of a birthday trip we took last year.

Sarah Williams said...

WOW! What a great give-away!! Glad to hear that your pup is doing better....
I'd create a birthday album...those papers would be great!

Wendi said...

What a fun giveaway! Thank you for sharing your Christmas presents in March! TOO FUN!

Lisa said...

What will I be making. Mostly cards, a few layouts. Who knows what the possibilities will be with all of those goodies!

Caanan said...

What cute paper! I'd love to make some cards with it.

Erica said...

WOW so CooL! I look forward to seeing all your projects. I don't have a cuddlebug but maybe.... I can win one! :)
Erica Tiggerfan6@hotmail.com

Connie Layman said...

So happy to see you team up with Provo Craft! Your papers would be perfect for our family and friends cupcake decorating contests, even the guys get involved! I see many layouts! My best friend comes to visit me from another state just to use my cuttlebug, we're both hooked! I would be great to share with her.

Connie Layman said...

So happy to see you team up with Provo Craft! I would love your papers to scrapbook my layouts of our family and friends cupcake decorating parties.

mthata said...

What an awesome giveaway! That paper is so cute. I'd probably use it for a birthday/party/or maybe even a circus layout...actually anything fun! Oh, I'd be in elated if I won the embossing machine. I've been wanting one for so long. Thanks for your generosity. :)

M'tika said...

Oh how wonderful it would be to win these things so I can try to catch up on my boys' scrapbooks. I really like creating flowers and butterflies right now, but I'm sure it will change into something else in a couple of months.

Anonymous said...

I will use it in my Early Childhood Special Education classroom to create things for the kids to put together. We use our cricut for this all the time!!!

mthata said...

What an awesome giveaway! That paper is so cute! I'd use it for a birthday, party or anything fun layout. So many possibilities! I'd be elated if I won the cuttlebug. I've been wanting one for sooooo long. Thank you for your generosity. :)

Jenny B in Indy said...

WOW! I would love some Cuttlebug goodies. You lucky girl! And WOW on the Nikki goodies. Love them!

thatgirl48316 said...

Wow!!! That would be an absoutely amazing give away to win!! The possibilities and endless of the things I could do.....cards, great layouts for my daughters Senior album, the list goes on!!

mthata said...

This is an awesome giveaway! I'd use the paper for a birthday, party or anything fun layout. The paper pack is so cute! I'd be elated if I won that cuttlebug. I've been wanting one for so long. Thanks for your generosity! I'm signing up for your newsletter too.

weze said...

Wow! I can't imagine what it was like to open all those boxes....amazing! If I was lucky enuf to win your giveaway it would help me to create scrapbooks for my grandkids and my family. I have already done my 4 sons and I still want to scrap my own life for those who never get to meet me. Thanks for a super chance.

Me-Ma Kim said...

SO happy to hear that Nico is doing better! I am sure you will all be HAPPY when he is back to his old self! I must also say HO HO HO!! WOW!! THAT Giveaway is just OMGEEE AWESOMELY!! Thanks BUNCHES for the chance! Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim

Michelle said...

wow nikki! how kind and generous of you to share !
if i won this mega giveaway the first thing i'd do is faint
second thing i'd do..call my sweetheart at work and tell him that i won
third thing..i'd take everything out of the box..and enjoy looking at each and everything..
4th....id drool over the paper..(its gorgeous!)
5th..i'd enjoy creating cards and layouts
6thi;d bring some to my next workshop/crop to share with all of my card making and scrapping friends who attend...
and finally..i'd give the cuttlebug to our workshop group so that we would always have one on hand when we get together to create..the best part of crafting with friends is sharing...ideas..inspiration..tools tips..and supplies...
(aren't you glad you asked what i;d do if i won???lol)

Michelle Deibler said...

I would love to have your paper line and a Cuttlebug! I would make some really really cute cards and scrapbook pages with all those goodies! Thanks for the chance to win!

MsTexas said...

WOW awesome package. I'm planning a weekend getaway to celebrate my upcoming birthday. Would love the package to scrapbook pics from my birthday weekend.

So happy Nico is better. The pics are so cute, thanks for sharing.
<3 your papers....

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nikki! Wonderful news on the puppy and your awesome give-a-ways. I have a two-fold reason for wanting to win. I sooooo want to be able to make what I call "Big Girl" pages. I'm ready to grow and expand, and this would help me.
Also, I have family that I would like to start albums for. One of my close friend's mom has survived breast cancer, and she's always been my "udder mudder" so you can imagine how that goes... plus, the same friend and I have RA, Fibromyalgia, and a host of other health issues. We may not be the healthiest of folks, but we are choosing to be VICTORS and not victims! Thank you for entering me in your contest.

Debbie said...

OMG. I would make cards, lots and lots of cards.


Sissy G said...

Wow, I wouldn't even know where to start...oh yeah I'd wipe the drool off my shirt!! LOL I could finish off some layouts that I've been working on, make several cards...the possibilities are endless. :0)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nikki! Wonderful news on the puppy and your awesome give-a-ways. I have a two-fold reason for wanting to win. I sooooo want to be able to make what I call "Big Girl" pages. I'm ready to grow and expand, and this would help me.
Also, I have family that I would like to start albums for. One of my close friend's mom has survived breast cancer, and she's always been my "udder mudder" so you can imagine how that goes... plus, the same friend and I have RA, Fibromyalgia, and a host of other health issues. We may not be the healthiest of folks, but we are choosing to be VICTORS and not victims! Thank you for entering me in your contest.

{Jennie} said...

I would have to lock myself away for a few months to be able to use that much Cricut stuff! You are a lucky girl! I would probably make some home decor items and catch up on my cards. I've really fallen behind on making them. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Amy Davis said...

Would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this!! I'm a volunteer program director at my church. My co-director and I were just yesterday talking about how it would be so nice to recognize our volunteers birthdays. Of course, there is absolutely LESS than ZERO budget to work with...so this would be awesome.

Another opportunity for us to use this would be in making cards for some of our elderly members, to remember them on their birthdays.

We also work with kids who would LOVE the opportunity to craft something for the homeless gentlemen that we provide overnight shelter for at the church. We could provide a special hand made item that makes them feel loved, when they often have no one.

Thanks for considering me!! :-)

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a lot of goodies! I would love to play with the Cuttlebug and make cards and boxes with it. Thanks for the chance to win!

Liane said...

So happy to hear Nico is feeling better!

How generous of you to share some of the PC goodies you received! There are so many things I'd like to use a Cuttlebug for along with the It's Your Day collection... scrapbook layouts for my kids' upcoming birthdays (2 daughters and 1 son) and I'd love to try creating a chipboard album! And, of course, any leftovers would be used to make some cards so nothing would go to waste!

Paula said...

My signature gift for our long time friends is when their kids have babies, I make their first scrapbook for their first year. A keepsake so that the mother does not have to do much but to pop in pictures and enjoy the first year. Hopefully, after seeing the art of scrap booking, they will pick it up and carry on the next years.
I start with their ultra sound through 1st party. Fun, Fun.
Even if I don't win, this is an awesome give away!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

Kerlyn P said...

So great that Nico is doing well. Love all the great products <3 My son, husband and mom were all born in the same month. I would love to use all the products and the great papers to make an album of their birthdays!

avidreader said...

So excited about your giveaway! I've been wanting one of these for awhile. I would make thank you cards for all my running buddies that helped me achieve my goal of running a marathon! We would enjoy cupcakes from Ooh La La after our long runs and this paper would be perfect!

Jos said...

I just saw your blog on the cricut FB page and am following you now. Thanks for the chance to win. What happened to your gorgeous pup?
Jocelyn Orieux

jeanie de la rama said...

i plan to make an album for my sister.she is feeling down these past few days and this would cheer her up. :)

Haidee said...

*******W O O O O O O O O O O O O O OW***********

You are ONE crafty gal!!

Thank you so much for sharing the crafty LOVE!!!!

***** I signed up for your Free Newsletter !!!*******

I'll create with the papers and the Cuttlebug goodies with layouts of my two boys, my Hubby, my two dogs, my cat and myself. Wait and of course my extended family members, too. Plus, make lots of cards for all occasions! Plus other crafty stuff too!!!

***** I became also a follower of this blog*****

~~~~BTW... love Nico. Glad he is doing great!!~~~~~

Michelle said...

first..i'd faint
then i'd enjoy browsing thru everythng in the box.
and then..i'd spend a long time looking at the gorgeous paper..before i decided what id use for card making..and what i'd use for scrapping..
i;d flip fo a nice new cuttlebug..and then i;d pass mine along to someone who i already have in mind...whom i know cannot afford to spend alot on her love of scrapping....doesnt own a CB..and loved using mine in a class that i taught


Who wouldn't love to have all of that!!!!? Congrats on being a part of it all! Hope you and your team have a ball an share all your creations with us! Can't wait to see what all you come up with! :)

Kathy said...

Wowza! That is absolutely does look like Christmas! oueeee, the quilling flower kit and all the goodies would love to play at my house! Awesome give away!

Kim said...

Wow!!! What an awesome giveaway...something that is definitely on my list!! These papers would be perfect for a cute mini album of my three pups that i have been wanting to make! Your pup is just adorable:)

Sue said...

Wow, how exciting! I would use your products, and do,to scrap my 18 year olds graduation.

TanyaW said...

Oh this is so exciting!!! I would absolutely LOVE to have some cuttle time!! Maybe it will help bring back my scrappy mojo!!!

Elizabeth said...

OMGosh! Glad to hear your dog is doing well. With all those goodies, I could make tons of cards for OWH! Thank you for the chance!

Scrappin with the bug said...

Oh man what a huge goodie bag that is. I would make some really cute layouts with your new papers (I can't wait to get ahold of Tubby). I would be making a ton of cards, and getting caught up on my layouts. What a grat chance to win. Thank you.

Jan Garber said...

OMGoodness! I think that's the biggest batch of Cricut I've ever seen! really IS amazing! I have been a follower and will now look forward to your newsletter! Yea!

Haberdawoman said...

Oh my word!!!!!! Can we say generosity at it's best????? I would so do beach/pool layouts of our girls since it's summer time here in South Florida (well in my mind it is) good luck to all the laddies and a gazillion thank yous for this chance.

Karen S. said...

Wow! I cannot imagine what it must have felt like opening all of those Cricut goodies!

Thanks for the chance to win the new Cuttlebug! I signed up for your newsletter and can't wait for your giveaway for the E! (I still use my baby bug.)

karenskapin at yahoo dot com

mommaladystamper said...

Oh my, I just saw your new line today at the Corner Crop. Love love love it all. I make cards so I love the 4 squares. Beautiful papers and I can't wait to get mine. Alice Roushia

Lee-Anne said...

I love your dog! Oh and I love all these goodies that a person can win. I would make lots of crafts and cards with these. Give Nico a hug for me.

Lee-Anne said...

I absolutely love all these goodies. I would make lots of tags, scrapbook pages and cards. I would even try some crafts.

Oh and I love Nico. Please give him a big hug.

Unknown said...

I sure would love to use all the goodies to scrapbook pages about my grandkids. I scrapbook ALOT!

Michelle said...

Oh that would have been so exciting opening all of that stuff!!

Thanks so much for the chance to win a cuddlebug! I think I would be making some cards galore with your papers and the different things for the cuddlebug!

Thanks again!

Piali said...

Glad to hear the pup is feeling better!!!
WOW!!!! Its Christmas indeed!!
I would love to use these fab goodies for all my cards. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Little Miss Christy said...

OMG how exciting! I would love the paper collection for my album of brays for 2010 that I'm making. I'd love the cuttlebug to play with and making super cool enbellies. Thanks for the giveaway. You're a doll!

Little Miss Christy said...

OMG how exciting! I would love the paper collection for my album of brays for 2010 that I'm making. I'd love the cuttlebug to play with and making super cool enbellies. Thanks for the giveaway. You're a doll!

Samantha Seholm said...

What an awsome giveaway... I would scrap my daughters birthday pictures that I took today because it is her 6th birthday. Thanks for the chance.

Sarah said...

I currently own the very first Cricut and only that. The Cuttle bug would be the perfect companion to help me celebrate all the special days to come.
Since the name is "it's your day", I would make invitations and then a scrapbook highlighting my upcoming 30th birthday (Yikes!!!).
Also following along with the theme, the Cuttle bug would come in handy for scrapbooking my bridal shower and wedding photos.
Birthday cards for friends and family will complete the overall theme.

Good Luck to all.

Unknown said...

what an amazing morning you had!!!!! WOW!
I'd love to have the cuttlebug for embossing and making die cut shapes even more customizable. I'd use the paper for scrapbooking my kids' pics.
the chambs at gmail (dot) com

Sarah quinlan said...

It's an amazing giveaway! I'm sure you will have a blast with all the new toys

Addams said...

Wow great prize, thanks for sharing.
I would use the prize to make a scrapbook for my sisters 40th, using photos from baby to now, I would also use them to make a great card. Thanks for the chance to win. Dawn x

Omaloriann said...

Oh Wow! Awesome goodies! I would use your papers for awesome scrapbook pages, cards, artwork on my wall in my scrappy room! Wow.

Anna said...

Great giveaway. Hope I'm not too late to get in on it. Thanks for the chance to win. annadowdy at gmail dot com

Colleen said...

Christmas indeed and birthday. Wow, wow and wow.

That is so awesome of your to make someone a very happy person.

Thank you for this opportunity. It would be okay if you picked my name, it wouldn't upset me at all. :)

Court said...

Fabulous!!! HOW fun is this!!! I know I am too late for the giveaway, but I just wanted to let you know that I stopped by your booth at CHA. Someone there was kind enough to give me a designer pack to work with (after Liz Qualman told me I HAD to go over and check out your booth) and then I fell in love with your papers! It was love at first sight with the turtle and the polka-dotted wellies paper and then the rest just fell into place.

Congratulations on being one of the sponsors for the Circle blog! I am a Circlet too and will be thrilled to see what their DT does with your papers!

Thanks for making a great product! I will be putting up your blinkie on my blog! AND I love your logo. I have a Yorkie too! I named her Spoon. :)

Darla Windholz said...

I'm a scrapper and 4-H leader where semake a lot of crafts for our local Senior Center and Nursiing Home. I would use this with the 4-Her's to help make our crafts more creative. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Firstly your doggy is so beautiful!! secondly i am sure it felt like christmas when all those goodies arrived! thirdly i would love to win some of that goodness!

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